We will help you realize how to be-come a BRAND and make you ready to earn from your experience.

Have you ever wondered about the similarity between an artist, scientist and an athlete? All three face with the challenge how to establish a brand because the art, the science and the sports are what they are great in and what they naturally LOVE. But soon if they don't make a step from the mare love to the BALANCE and WISDOM they face with a challenge of choosing the "regular" workday life or suffering due to financial instability in what they all love - to express and share their experience in art, science and sports.

As a professional athlete I have been often etiquette as an "icebreaker" because I trained speed skating with only 40 days of ice per year! And I ended as the Olympic 2018 IOC president invitee, which is top 45 in the World. I am delighted to share with you what are the steps that you ought to make but you hesitantly refuse or don't know. On this course you can expect Excellence Academy guest lecturer who will share own experiences regarding marketing and branding.

Bonuses that you get are:
- Applicative program for mind and body

-Joining private Facebook Group


Edin Brankovic, M.Sci.

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